Meet The Matchmaker for Young Adults' Futures

Hey there!

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to give you a quick heads up about my latest podcast episode - it's a good one!

This week, I had the pleasure of chatting with Joanna Lilly, a consultant who specializes in helping young adults (18+) navigate that tricky period between high school and, well, the rest of their lives.

You know how we always hear that there's only one path to success? High school, college, job, family, rinse and repeat? Well, Joanna's here to shake things up a bit. Her approach is all about recognizing that success looks different for everyone, and that's okay!

Here are some highlights from our conversation:

  1. Joanna works as a sort of "matchmaker" for young adults, helping them find the right fit - whether that's outpatient treatment, residential programs, gap year experiences, or just figuring out next steps.
  2. We talked about my own non-traditional college experience (spoiler alert: I may have ghosted my roommate and left college without telling anyone... oops!).
  3. Joanna shared some great insights about the growing acceptance of gap years and alternative paths, especially since the pandemic.
  4. We discussed how parents can support their kids during this transition, even when things don't go according to plan.
  5. Joanna has a podcast called "Success is Subjective" where she interviews people about their non-linear paths to success. Guess what? I was a guest!

If you're a parent of a teen or young adult, or if you work with this age group, I really think you'll find this episode valuable. And hey, even if you're just curious about different life paths, give it a listen!

You can find all the links to Joanna's website, podcast, and resources below. Oh, and she has super helpful freebies on her site - a list of the top six forms parents should have their kids fill out before college. Trust me, it's gold!

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the episode. Did it resonate with you? Do you have your own non-linear success story? Hit reply and let me know!

Until next time,


P.S. If you know someone who might benefit from this episode, please feel free to forward this email or share the podcast link. Let's spread the word that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to success!

Watch the full episode now!

Joanna Lilley's Bio and Links:

Since 2016, Joanna Lilley of Lilley Consulting has been matchmaking young adults with outpatient providers, gap experiences, and residential-level treatment options during the most important time in adulthood. Joanna dedicates herself to working solely with emerging adults who unravel after high school, when they land on campus, or after college graduation. Young adulthood can be messy, but it doesn’t have to be if you find the right resources at the time that you need them.

Check out her website and social media below. ⬇️

In a world full of uncertainties, our kids sometimes need to hear the tough truths. When my daughter was in 5th grade, she was terrified I might not come back from a trip. Here’s what I told her:

“I can’t guarantee that I won’t die, but I promise you this: If something did happen, you would handle it. You have so many people who love you, who would help you figure out what to do. Yes, you’d be sad, and no one would want that to happen—but you would get through it, and you’d be surrounded by love.”

Join me for the Parenting Anxious Teens Master Class where I’ll share more about how to empower your children to face their fears, build resilience, and thrive in uncertain times.

📅 Date: Monday, Sept. 9 TONIGHT

⏰ Time: 6:00 PM CST

📍 Location: Zoom

👉 Sign up now to reserve your spot!

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“My job is not to do legwork for young adults behind the scenes. They are actually involved in the process with me. In fact, they're the ones that are making the decision whether or not they wanna work with me. ”

— Joanna Lilley

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I am a teen anxiety coach!

I empower teenagers to uncover the root causes of their anxiety, guiding them towards cultivating a more peaceful mindset. Through my content, I provide valuable tools and techniques to help silence the inner alarms that go off in their minds and bodies. Be sure to check out "The Teen Anxiety Maze," my podcast designed not only for teens seeking anxiety relief but also for parents looking to understand how to engage in meaningful conversations about anxiety with their children. My Podcast is also in video format on YouTube. I have 33 years of experience working with young people. First as a teacher, then 25 years as a school counselor and 2 years as a 1:1 anxiety coach. Let me help your teen feel better now!

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