🗣️ Let's chat with our worries!

Hey there!

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up about our latest podcast episode - it's all about a super helpful technique for dealing with anxiety, both for ourselves and our kids.

Remember a couple weeks back when we talked about expecting worry? Well, this time we're taking it a step further. We're learning how to actually talk to our worries! I know, it sounds a bit odd at first, but stick with me here.

The idea is to personify our anxiety - give it a character, a face, maybe even a silly voice. For me, it's Mrs. Crawley from Downton Abbey (if you know, you know!).

By doing this, we can separate ourselves from our anxiety and have a conversation with it.

I shared some examples of how to chat with your worry:

  • Acknowledge it: "Hey there, Worry. I knew you'd show up for the first day of school."
  • Be friendly: "Come along for the ride, but you'll see there's nothing to fear."
  • Boss it around (in a playful way): "Knock it off! This isn't an emergency."

The cool thing is, this technique works for all ages. I even had a 59-year-old client use it successfully!

For parents, I emphasized the importance of modeling this behavior and then coaching our kids to do it themselves. It's all about helping them become independent anxiety-managers.

Oh, and exciting news! I'm starting a parent book study group where we can dive deeper into these concepts together. If you're interested, sign up HERE!

I'd love to hear how this technique works for you or your kids. Give it a try and let me know!

Take care,


P.S. Don't forget to have fun with this - maybe draw your worry character or create it on the computer. The more fun we have with it, the less power anxiety holds over us!

Watch the full episode now!

Is it possible to support your teen’s mental health, gain confidence in your parenting, and still take care of yourself? Absolutely. I've seen it happen for countless parents.

But is it as simple as it sounds? Not quite.

To truly make it happen, you need practical and effective strategies and resources. Discover these in the Tools for Moms With Teens masterclass series, where 28+ top parenting and mental health experts, including myself will share their insights.

This complimentary series covers effective communication techniques, self-care strategies, resources, mental health support and awareness, and building a supportive home environment.

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“Anxiety is the easiest mental health condition to learn skills to deal with.

— Cynthia Coufal

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Hi! I am a teen anxiety coach!

I empower teenagers to uncover the root causes of their anxiety, guiding them towards cultivating a more peaceful mindset. Through my content, I provide valuable tools and techniques to help silence the inner alarms that go off in their minds and bodies. Be sure to check out "The Teen Anxiety Maze," my podcast designed not only for teens seeking anxiety relief but also for parents looking to understand how to engage in meaningful conversations about anxiety with their children. My Podcast is also in video format on YouTube. I have 33 years of experience working with young people. First as a teacher, then 25 years as a school counselor and 2 years as a 1:1 anxiety coach. Let me help your teen feel better now!

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