😊Happy Labor Day, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

Hey everyone,

Today, I'm diving deep into the concept of embracing uncertainty and discomfort. It's a tough one, I know, but it's a crucial step towards personal growth and overcoming anxiety.

I've talked about the importance of expecting worry and the power of talking to your anxiety like a person. This week, I focused on the idea that life is full of unknowns. It's okay to feel uncertain about the future. In fact, it's normal!

The key is to be willing to step outside your comfort zone and take risks. It's okay to feel uncomfortable. It's okay to not know what's going to happen. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

Remember, I'm not talking about taking dangerous risks. I'm talking about emotional risks. Things like trying new hobbies, asking someone out, or pursuing a new career path. These can be scary, but they're also incredibly rewarding.

I've personally learned a lot from taking emotional risks. It's helped me grow as a person and achieve my goals. I believe it can do the same for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Start small. Take a deep breath and step outside your comfort zone. You might be surprised at what you're capable of.

Until next time,


P.S. Join me in my new Parent Anxious Teens Master Class Next Monday! Register Here!

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“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. ”

— Brian Tracy

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Hi! I am a teen anxiety coach!

I empower teenagers to uncover the root causes of their anxiety, guiding them towards cultivating a more peaceful mindset. Through my content, I provide valuable tools and techniques to help silence the inner alarms that go off in their minds and bodies. Be sure to check out "The Teen Anxiety Maze," my podcast designed not only for teens seeking anxiety relief but also for parents looking to understand how to engage in meaningful conversations about anxiety with their children. My Podcast is also in video format on YouTube. I have 33 years of experience working with young people. First as a teacher, then 25 years as a school counselor and 2 years as a 1:1 anxiety coach. Let me help your teen feel better now!

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