YouMap® Coaching

YouMap® reveals the Four Pillars of Fit: strengths, values, motivating skills and interests. The award-winning profile includes a companion workbook for students that turn insights into practical action.

August 1, 2023
9:50pm TZ

Get YouMap® for their future!

This information will be life-changing for your child, but for you as a parent as well. When you know what is motivating to your child, it will inform how you parent.

#1 predictor of success

Self awareness is the number 1 predictor of success. This tool and coaching will give your child the self awareness they need to be successful in whatever they choose in life.

Cynthia Coufal

I've been working with teens for 25 years as a school counselor. I wish I had this assessment when I was working in the school setting. YouMap can help young people see what works for them and it can guide their decisions about everything they do!

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